Press Release September 2016
The Solution against Arm-Pump - 4Arm Strong
The world’s only self-therapy device that reduces arm pump used by the Fastest Riders in the US is now available for all the European Riders.
Creating more freedom in the forearm compartments results in less Arm-Pump, more grip strength and endurance. It’s perfect solution for every Amateur or Professional Athletes who suffers from Arm-Pump. Physio or medical supports are no longer needed.
Ryan Dungey, Ken Roczen, Marvin Musquin and many other great Riders who tested the device cannot do without this invention to reduce hardening of the forearm and increase their resistance to vibration and shock anymore.
Legendary motocross trainer, Aldon Baker believes this is one the greatest benefits of 4Arm Strong. “The value of reducing arm pump speaks for itself, the value of increasing grip strength without resistance training is monumental!”. Aldon began using the 4Arm Strong with his riders who quickly claimed it was making a positive impact on their riding.